
Showing posts from July, 2020

Influencer Marketing Platform | One Impression

  Influencer Marketing Platform | One Impression We checked in on Niharika Deshmukh, our Influencer Specialist from Mumbai division, to see how the remote-working lifestyle has been treating her. “I started working remotely because of the unfortunate scenario that COVID brought into place. I’ve had my work from home days but this was long term so the very first thing I did was to create a space for myself at home where I would be productive yet comfortable. The most challenging part was getting used to it was surprisingly easy to get work done on a day-to-day basis. My daily routine consists of a lot of work but I ensure to squeeze in breaks to rejuvenate. I spend some time with my dog or just sit on my balcony and have a cup of coffee. To be honest, working nearby my dog has been really fun as it is the best refresher for me. I have developed a great bond with my colleagues and it feels like they’ve become my best friends. It has always been great to have #FunFriday sessions for every

Influencer Marketing Platform | One Impression

                                   Influencer Marketing Platform | One Impression Last week, One Impression completed its 4 months of remote working and we celebrated this occasion with #coffeecheers from our homes. With the onset of the #pandemic, our entire team started working from home due to the apprehension related to the virus and the sudden shift, we were noticing in people’s lifestyle around the globe. But we were able to seamlessly jump into this new routine through our constant effort to maintain proper communication channels which enabled a smooth flow of working. As an organization, we have always tried to keep the spirit of our employees high through virtual #meetings. Be it online workout sessions, #funfriday activities or even birthday celebrations, they have allowed us to maintain a sense of inclusivity and thrive in this new way of working. Influencer Marketing Platform

Influencer Marketing Platform | One Impression

                                        Influencer Marketing Platform | One Impression We caught up with Arushi Lohia, our Senior Influencer Specialist, to check how she has been coping with the quarantine and maintaining her work-quality in this unprecedented situation. “It's been exactly 3 months that I've been working from home but frankly, being busy has only worked in my favour. My whole team has been so supportive and efficient that it has made our work-from-home flow much smoother. I am glad that I get ample time for breakfast now. In the pre covid world, I can't remember not skipping it. Video calls with colleagues during break time have been my saviour. The most important thing I try to maintain in this routine is spending quality time with family and indulging in my hobbies. This has helped me in maintaining my work life balance and keeping my productivity high.” Influencer Marketing Platform

Influencer Marketing Platform | One Impression

                                               Influencer Marketing Platform | One Impression            The biggest silver lining in this #pandemic has been the quality time that we’ve been spending with our families. But for parents of younger kids, it has been a challenge to keep their off springs entertained and optimistic. Taking this as our key narrative, we worked with celebrity mothers and micro-influencers. These #influencers showcased engaging moments with their kids, with NestlĂ© Ceregrow at the heart of their content, depicting how they have been creating a positive environment for their kids. The campaign was a huge success, leading to a surge in the brand awareness as well as its engagement through our selected group of influencers. We were able to garner 500k+ impressions and an engagement of 25K+ accounts. Looking to enhance your brands' online presence? Drop us a message.