
Showing posts from July, 2019

Why Fashion Brands should use Influencer Marketing?

                            Why Fashion Brands should use Influencer Marketing? Remember the days, when no matter what a brand claimed, the final approval for a product came from your BFF or that fashion-savvy friend. Well, in today’s day and age this friend is a digital influencer. These influencers have more power to influence your buying patterns than the ad in a magazine. Today, if we think of it, ads are serving the purpose of awareness and influencers are serving the purpose of both, awareness and impact. For a fashion brand to have a top of mind recall, its essential they get to the very intrinsic part of our life- our cellphones. They can reach this by collaborating with an influencer who fits the profile. It is very essential that the influencer they zero in on resonates with the brand ideology, to find that one, it is essential that the brand has their homework done properly. Not many of us folks know who Swedish watchmaker Filip Tysander is, but all of us know of

Are Influencers Ruling Social Media ?

  Are Influencers Ruling Social Media ? Influence plays the critical role out there on Social Media. Before reading further, it is important to know the exact meaning of Influence? In Layman’s term “it is the marketing ability of a special individual person to influence the thinking of followers on Social Media”. Brief Role of Influencer His role is not just confined to reach the masses or provides the message. One should have the clear-cut potential to attract potential buyers through Social Media Marketing. He can change the behaviour and thought-process of the public. We need to focus on the importance of influencer. If you want to advertise your brand, you can do it best with the great influencer out there in the market. The crux of the matter- Choosing the Right Influencer It is really important to choose the appropriate influencer for the product. Choosing a famous person is not the right way. Yes of course, sometimes the celebrity trick goes so well. But sometimes,

5 Reasons Influencers Need Long-Term Relationships

                                5 Reasons Influencers Need Long-Term Relationships The Internet is a highly influential tool in the world of Integrated Marketing Communications. Influencer Marketing, too like all channels of media is transforming every moment. Influencer Marketing is a two-way street- brands want leads and conversions and influencers wish to be associated with big brands. But, long-term relationships are something influencers seek eagerly, because it sure reaps benefits for both influencers as well as brands. In this post, we try to understand the reasons behind Influencers seeking long-term relationships Understanding In any long-term relationship, both parties tend to understand the personality and needs of each other. Likewise, in a long-term relationship between a brand and influencer, the influencer will become well versed with the brand’s culture, ideology, the way a brand wishes to be presented and how an influencer resonates with that truth, is a proce

Why Digital Influencers are Winning the Battle of Consumer Trust

Why Digital Influencers are Winning the Battle of Consumer Trust Back in January 1996, Bill Gates wrote his first article mentioning that “Content is King.” He began his first article with the words, “Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the internet, just as it was in broadcasting.” Well, the time has proven his statement to be correct. In 2015, an infographic was created stating that, “Influencer Marketing is the New King of Content.” This statement has turned out to be true to this day.  A successful influencer marketing lies in having a clear content which is used by the social media influencers to promote a particular product or brand. Influence is power and influencers are superheroes possessing this power. If they have the skills of promoting and reviewing a product with attractive content, then the chances of people trusting and purchasing the product are high. Brands can go on and brag about how awesome their product is, but that doesn’t mea

Why Microinfluencers Impact More Than Celebrity Influencers?

Why Microinfluencers Impact More Than Celebrity Influencers? Cmon now, don't be sceptical and let’s walk through the article to know why. Influencer marketing has branched into a prime strategy that makes the product, idea or campaign reach a wider and loyal audience. But how impactful would be the influencers who lead a huge fan following? According to Digiday, micro-influencers on Instagram with 10,000 to 100,000 followers typically see a 2.4% like rate. Those influencers with 1-10 million followers see a lower rate of likes at 1.7%. Interesting, isn’t it? The fact is micro influencers, despite the underestimating name they carry, steer a brand towards the more loyal and long-lasting bonds amidst consumers. Celebrity status may intimidate remote consumer band in financial and quality aspects and the brand image may not seep into a wider circle. Testimonial and Trust Read More...Oneimpression

5 Influencer Marketing tips for Mobile Game developers

                                  5 Influencer Marketing tips for Mobile Game developers If you haven’t, at least once, forget about time and place while enjoying a mobile game like mini militia or fruit ninja, you are not of the present age because most mobile phones have an inbuilt folder of games and services to the same. Mobile phone usage has increased just like how mobile game development has rocketed to a heightened level. This has obviously given much pressure to mobile software, hardware and game development companies to keep their consumers glued to their own products. But hey, if you are stressed out wondering how to hook consumers to your ideas, you have come to the right place. While app development teams search for new marketing tactics, the trend of Influencer marketing will be crowned as the best way to successfully dodge your competition and dazzle your consumers. Here are five influencer marketing tips for mobile game developers. 1. Choose the right piece of